No more late assignments. Always stay on top of classes and grades. You will know more about your children’s Google Classroom activities than they do. There was a problem downloading app reviews from the Apple app store. SchoolSnap enhances your Classroom experience as a parent.Manage multiple students in one app interfaceGet hourly notifications as your student’s workload is updated, rather than a weekly email.Explore assignments, with the ability to filter by student and status, such as due soon and late.See a succinct summary of the status for each class.View changes to your students’ homework and grades as a feed.Read the announcements for your students and courses. Explore the Views Summary See all of your students, with the most relevant information at a glance. Assignments View all of your students’ assignments, with their status. Filter by student and status to find the assignments you need to address right now. Feed See the timeline of events about your student, their assignments, submissions, grades and announcements. Assignment Details Need to discover more about an assignment? View more to see the details including description, submissions and materials. You and Your Child's Privacy We are parents ourselves. So we know privacy for us and our children is a top priority. We promise you:We never sell your data or student data.We never advertise in SchoolSnap.We don’t own the content you add to or Google Classroom.We are transparent about our practices and will notify you if things change.Please see privacy policy for more details.